Grand Rapids Public Museum
General Admission: $25
Comedians Adam Degi & Bob Smiley bring some seriously funny stuff to Laughfest Night at the Museum. Each comedian will have their own time to take the stage and get the crowd laughing.
Adam is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after two-time cancer-surviving, bald, white comedians with a Hungarian last name in the world. You can add fatherhood, well-crafted jokes, and improvisation to his repertoire. He’s been a guest on most of the comedy-based podcasts you’ve never heard of, and he has a real knack for making your dad laugh. By the time you read this, he’ll have a few more followers on TikTok and a few less on Instagram. The only thing that can stop him is getting cancer a third time. What if I told you it happened…AGAIN. He’s on his way to another victory, the only way he knows how: saying things he shouldn’t in front of strangers
Comedian Bob Smiley has been touring for over 25 years. He’s written four books for Focus on the Family under the series he created called “The Adventures of Average Boy.” The award-winning “Adventures of Average Boy” humor column appears monthly in Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine. The books, column as well as the NRB award-winning “Official Average Boy Podcast” are aimed at making kids (and their parents) laugh while encouraging them to be the best God created them to be. Bob is the feature comedian in three “Dry Bar Comedy” specials and landed the role of Lowell the snowman in the new claymation Christmas movie Steal the Naughty List coming out Nov. 15th. Bob is also very good at mowing and has a massive hotel shampoo collection.